/ January 22, 2015
(5.0/5) (6)


◆ Characteristics

Exhibited our work in the e-book section at the 2014 BookExpoAmerica (BEA)!

Optimized for mobile viewing, the best way to read poetry inthemultimedia era!

With background music, voice, and pictures, readers willfallinto the poems! Be inspired by the world of poetry!

Full of creative ideas, fresh metaphors, and keen insightsintothe minds of people in cities!

Be ready to be surprised by the way our lives are captured inthepoems and photographs!

◆ Live Again! Be a Strong Tree

Poet Rhee Young Kim studied dance in college. She once livedinOregon in the United States and explored western cultures. Inherwork, she tries to capture the feeling of suffocation thatordinarypeople experience from city life. Her poems are combinedwithpictures taken by photographer Gi-hyun Kim.

The poet’s texts and the photographer’s images reflect themindsof ordinary people, who try to manage their everyday lives inthefast-paced and stressful city environment. The poems andimagescomplement each other.

It is captivating how poems and images work together torevealthe emotional state of “I,” who is on a journey searching forthemeaning of happiness in society. Their work demonstrates aprimeexample of intertextuality between poetry and photography,with thebonus of music and voice.

◆ About the Book

VoaZoa Publishing Inc. selected ten poems from Rhee YoungKim’sfirst publication, “The Man, Who Exploded in A.D. 1054.”Kim’searly work displays her bright imagination and freshmetaphors.Background music and images will make reading an evenmoreenjoyable experience.

Gi-hyun Kim is a photographer known for herinspirationalphotographic work. She gladly agreed to work with RheeYoung Kim.The poet’s poems and the photographer’s pictures cometogether soflawlessly. Pictures add visual elements, accentuatingpoeticexpressions that are full of unique imagination andmetaphors.

This book is a result of the bisociation that the fieldsofpoetry and photography have created together withpatience,passion, and imagination.

◆ Content

The book includes 10 poems, including the poet’s debutwork“Noodles,” “Dance that Doesn’t Lean on Clouds” (from a2011compilation), and “A Women in the Sand” (a poem inspired byAbeKobo’s novel). Her script of “A Woman in the Sand” was used foraperformance and exhibited at the Korea National Archives oftheArts in June, 2012.

The book also includes excerpts from “A Cat at the EiffelTower”(inspired by Erik Satie’s autobiographic fiction) and “BlowUp.”Her script of “Blow Up” was made into a play that was invitedtothe 2013 Hong Kong International Theater. In addition,excerptsfrom “58, Born in the Year of the Dog,” which displaysrefinedstyles of writing, was used for a short film.

Poet Rhee Young Kim’s explorations of poetry are trulyamazing,showing how poetic language can be used in variousgenres.

◆ LITE version

Lite edition contains 7 poems from original edition.
개발자 연락처 :
807. 160, Seoun-ro
Seocho-gu Seoul 137-856 KR
+82 10-5340-7833

◆ Characteristics

Exhibited our work in the e-book section at the 2014 BookExpoAmerica (BEA)!

Optimized for mobile viewing, the best way to read poetry inthemultimedia era!

With background music, voice, and pictures, readers willfallinto the poems! Be inspired by the world of poetry!

Full of creative ideas, fresh metaphors, and keen insightsintothe minds of people in cities!

Be ready to be surprised by the way our lives are captured inthepoems and photographs!

◆ Live Again! Be a Strong Tree

Poet Rhee Young Kim studied dance in college. She once livedinOregon in the United States and explored western cultures. Inherwork, she tries to capture the feeling of suffocation thatordinarypeople experience from city life. Her poems are combinedwithpictures taken by photographer Gi-hyun Kim.

The poet's texts and the photographer's images reflect themindsof ordinary people, who try to manage their everyday lives inthefast-paced and stressful city environment. The poems andimagescomplement each other.

It is captivating how poems and images work together torevealthe emotional state of "I," who is on a journey searching forthemeaning of happiness in society. Their work demonstrates aprimeexample of intertextuality between poetry and photography,with thebonus of music and voice.

◆ About the Book

VoaZoa Publishing Inc. selected ten poems from Rhee YoungKim'sfirst publication, "The Man, Who Exploded in AD 1054. "Kim'searlywork displays her bright imagination and freshmetaphors.Background music and images will make reading an evenmoreenjoyable experience.

Gi-hyun Kim is a photographer known for herinspirationalphotographic work. She gladly agreed to work with RheeYoung Kim.The poet's poems and the photographer's pictures cometogether soflawlessly. Pictures add visual elements, accentuatingpoeticexpressions that are full of unique imagination andmetaphors.

This book is a result of the bisociation that the fieldsofpoetry and photography have created together withpatience,passion, and imagination.

◆ Content

The book includes 10 poems, including the poet's debutwork"Noodles," "Dance that Doesn't Lean on Clouds" (from a2011compilation), and "A Women in the Sand" (a poem inspired byAbeKobo's novel). Her script of "A Woman in the Sand" was used foraperformance and exhibited at the Korea National Archives oftheArts in June, 2012.

The book also includes excerpts from "A Cat at the EiffelTower"(inspired by Erik Satie's autobiographic fiction) and "BlowUp."Her script of "Blow Up" was made into a play that was invitedtothe 2013 Hong Kong International Theater . In addition,excerptsfrom "58, Born in the Year of the Dog," which displaysrefinedstyles of writing, was used for a short film.

Poet Rhee Young Kim's explorations of poetry are trulyamazing,showing how poetic language can be used in variousgenres.

◆ LITE version

Lite edition contains 7 poems from original edition.

информация о приложении [AppBook] Poems & Photos LITE

  • Имя приложения
    [AppBook] Poems & Photos LITE
  • Название приложения
  • Дата публикации
    January 22, 2015
  • Размер файла
  • Требования
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Версия
  • Разработчик
    Voazoa Inc.
  • Количество установок
    100 - 500
  • Цена
  • Категория
    Books & Reference
  • Разработчик
    Visit website Email contact@voazoa.com
    807. 160, Seoun-ro Seocho-gu Seoul 137-856 KR
  • Google Play Link

Voazoa Inc. Ещё...

Dr. Kids APK
Voazoa Inc.
This game is designed for children betweentheages of 5~12 to reduce their fear of hospitals andmedicaltreatment by playing a hospital game and understandingtheirbodies.- The content is to help children learn how treatment andsurgeriesare being done at the hospital. For accuracy, a realmedical teamhelped us create the game.- Children will learn about the structure and composition ofboneand the structure and functions of the human digestivesystemthrough game interaction and animation.- Overcome the fear of hospital treatment by wiping nose bleedsandtreating wounds.- Overcome the fear of getting shots by playing the role ofgivingsomeone an injection.- Learn about the noise of MRI scanning and how an MRIscanworks.- Learn about germs in the mouth and on hands and feet, and howthegerms should be removed.Voazoa's team of designers and developers work together witharteducation experts to create apps that parents can trust.We strive to create apps that are fun, promote creativity,andfoster an environmentwhere children can receive praise and encouragement from, andsharefeelings with, their parents.
My Friend Fluffy APK
Voazoa Inc.
Welcome to Voazoa Inc.- #1 gamified picturebook app developer. Our book is designed to give another level oflearning experience to readers.Voazoa Inc’s app is proven to accelerate children’s creativityand concentration by giving kids various activities, such aspuzzles, laundering, and shopping.“My Friend Fluffy” is a “wordless” Story making app developingcreativity in children while enjoying various story-relatedactivities. (5-12 years old)“My Friend Fluffy” Improves children’s- Creativity- Cognitive skills- Language proficiency- ConcentrationCollaborate with your kids with these 3 steps!- Ask your kids, “what is the story about?”- Listen to their thoughts.- Share you childhood memories(about your favorite toys andthings)."My Friend Fluffy" makes fun, warm and beautiful stories, withsubject matter of love and affection familiar to children.We all have things which we have emotional attachment to.This attachment helps lead children into a world of observation andimagination.Emotional attachment surprisingly stimulates realisticunderstanding and dream-like imagination.By introducing emotional attachment to people and things, childrencan understand reality, dream about the future, and form a sense ofself.-Rury Lee, AuthorAbout the illustrator,Nozomi Takahashi was born in 1988 in Japan and studied illustrationand packaging design.His first work was 'Hedgehog Egg' in France, and 'My Friend Fluffy'was published as a paperback book by publisher 'BookGoodCome' inKorea.About VoazoaVoazoa's team of designers and developers work together with arteducation experts to create apps that parents can trust.We strive to create apps that are fun, promote creativity, andfoster an environment where children can receive praise andencouragement from, and share feelings with, their parents.
[앱북] 김리영 영상시집 (사진 김지현) APK
Voazoa Inc.
◆ 특징2014 Book Expo America (BEA) 뉴욕 전자책 전시회 출품 전시오디오, 비디오를 탑재멀티 미디어시대에 시를 가장 잘 감상할 수 있는 방법, 모바일 공감!독자는 감명 깊게 흐르는 음악과 함께 시 낭송을 들으며사진작가의 감성적 풍경을 감상!깊이 일렁이며 느껴지는 감흥!반짝이는 감성, 신선한 비유, 예민한 심성, 슬픔을 숨긴 도시인의 갈등을시와 사진에서 동시에 읽어내기!우리가 만날 수 있는 문득 생각하기, 마주치고 헤어진 평범한 모습이 시의 언어 뿐 아니라 사진의이미지로연출!◆ 우뚝 선 나무로 다시 사는 거야김리영은 무용을 전공한 시인으로 알려져 있다. 미국 오레곤주에 거주하였고 서구 문명을 탐색한 그녀가 도시인의숨막히는 소통을 사진작가 김지현의 사진으로 옮겨 왔다.김리영의 텍스트와 김지현의 사진 이미지는 페쇄 된 도시에서 안간힘으로 살아내는 도시인이 주고받는 말이다. 시로써도모자라는 말을 사진에 물들이고 사진으로 찍어도 모자라는 이미지를 시로 풀었다.이 책에서 눈여겨 볼 것은 사회에서 행복의 정체성을 찾아 떠도는 ‘나’의 통증을 시와 사진이 함께 해부하듯그려내고나란히 드러내며 서술하고 있는 점이다. 상호텍스트성 시대에 독자들은 시와 사진 두 장르가 만난 결정체를 보고 읽고음악과낭송을 들으며 감동이 고조될 것이다.◆ 구성 책 안내보아조아 출판사는 이 책을 펴내기 위해 먼저 김리영의 첫 시집 에서 열편의 시를 골랐다. 김리영의 초기 시에서읽었던생기 있는 감성과 감각적인 비유를 음향과 영상으로 깊이 있게 접근성을 높이고 대중이 공감할 수 있도록했다.김지현은 감성사진작가로 불린다. 시의 세계와 사진의 세계가 흔쾌하게 손을 맞잡았다. 김리영의 시를사진공간에설정하자, 김지현의 사진예술이 자연스럽게 문학공간에 설치되었다. 사진은 시의 현대적 언어조형감각을 돋보이게 하고시의바닥에서 퍼 올린 감성과 비유로 넘쳐난다.이 책은 시와 사진 두 세계의 만남이 서두르지 않고 이연연상 발상법으로 집중하여 열정과 영감을 통해얻어낸결과이다.◆ 내용시인의 등단작 외 10 편, 귀국 이후 2011년 엮은 무용사진시집 을 비롯하여, 아베 코보 원작 소설을 바탕으로쓴현대무용 주제시가 포함 되어 있다. 이 대본은 2012년 공연 후 6월 국립예술자료원에서 전시회를 가졌다.에릭 사티의 자전적 소설을 바탕으로 쓴 대본와 최근 대본을 쓰고 출연 하였던 2013 홍콩국제연극제 초청작중에서발췌하였다. 그리고 창작 시나리오 단편 영화 <58 개띠>중에서 발췌하여 다듬은 문장들을 만날수있다.김리영의 시세계가 넓혀져 언어를 도구로 하는 다른 장르인-대본 등을 통해 독자들에게 손을 내밀었다.----개발자 연락처 :807. 160, Seoun-roSeocho-gu Seoul 137-856 KR+82 10-5340-7833
[AppBook] Poems & Photos LITE APK
Voazoa Inc.
◆ CharacteristicsExhibited our work in the e-book section at the 2014 BookExpoAmerica (BEA)!Optimized for mobile viewing, the best way to read poetry inthemultimedia era!With background music, voice, and pictures, readers willfallinto the poems! Be inspired by the world of poetry!Full of creative ideas, fresh metaphors, and keen insightsintothe minds of people in cities!Be ready to be surprised by the way our lives are captured inthepoems and photographs!◆ Live Again! Be a Strong TreePoet Rhee Young Kim studied dance in college. She once livedinOregon in the United States and explored western cultures. Inherwork, she tries to capture the feeling of suffocation thatordinarypeople experience from city life. Her poems are combinedwithpictures taken by photographer Gi-hyun Kim.The poet’s texts and the photographer’s images reflect themindsof ordinary people, who try to manage their everyday lives inthefast-paced and stressful city environment. The poems andimagescomplement each other.It is captivating how poems and images work together torevealthe emotional state of “I,” who is on a journey searching forthemeaning of happiness in society. Their work demonstrates aprimeexample of intertextuality between poetry and photography,with thebonus of music and voice.◆ About the BookVoaZoa Publishing Inc. selected ten poems from Rhee YoungKim’sfirst publication, “The Man, Who Exploded in A.D. 1054.”Kim’searly work displays her bright imagination and freshmetaphors.Background music and images will make reading an evenmoreenjoyable experience.Gi-hyun Kim is a photographer known for herinspirationalphotographic work. She gladly agreed to work with RheeYoung Kim.The poet’s poems and the photographer’s pictures cometogether soflawlessly. Pictures add visual elements, accentuatingpoeticexpressions that are full of unique imagination andmetaphors.This book is a result of the bisociation that the fieldsofpoetry and photography have created together withpatience,passion, and imagination.◆ ContentThe book includes 10 poems, including the poet’s debutwork“Noodles,” “Dance that Doesn’t Lean on Clouds” (from a2011compilation), and “A Women in the Sand” (a poem inspired byAbeKobo’s novel). Her script of “A Woman in the Sand” was used foraperformance and exhibited at the Korea National Archives oftheArts in June, 2012.The book also includes excerpts from “A Cat at the EiffelTower”(inspired by Erik Satie’s autobiographic fiction) and “BlowUp.”Her script of “Blow Up” was made into a play that was invitedtothe 2013 Hong Kong International Theater. In addition,excerptsfrom “58, Born in the Year of the Dog,” which displaysrefinedstyles of writing, was used for a short film.Poet Rhee Young Kim’s explorations of poetry are trulyamazing,showing how poetic language can be used in variousgenres.◆ LITE versionLite edition contains 7 poems from original edition.----개발자 연락처 :807. 160, Seoun-roSeocho-gu Seoul 137-856 KR+82 10-5340-7833◆ CharacteristicsExhibited our work in the e-book section at the 2014 BookExpoAmerica (BEA)!Optimized for mobile viewing, the best way to read poetry inthemultimedia era!With background music, voice, and pictures, readers willfallinto the poems! Be inspired by the world of poetry!Full of creative ideas, fresh metaphors, and keen insightsintothe minds of people in cities!Be ready to be surprised by the way our lives are captured inthepoems and photographs!◆ Live Again! Be a Strong TreePoet Rhee Young Kim studied dance in college. She once livedinOregon in the United States and explored western cultures. Inherwork, she tries to capture the feeling of suffocation thatordinarypeople experience from city life. Her poems are combinedwithpictures taken by photographer Gi-hyun Kim.The poet's texts and the photographer's images reflect themindsof ordinary people, who try to manage their everyday lives inthefast-paced and stressful city environment. The poems andimagescomplement each other.It is captivating how poems and images work together torevealthe emotional state of "I," who is on a journey searching forthemeaning of happiness in society. Their work demonstrates aprimeexample of intertextuality between poetry and photography,with thebonus of music and voice.◆ About the BookVoaZoa Publishing Inc. selected ten poems from Rhee YoungKim'sfirst publication, "The Man, Who Exploded in AD 1054. "Kim'searlywork displays her bright imagination and freshmetaphors.Background music and images will make reading an evenmoreenjoyable experience.Gi-hyun Kim is a photographer known for herinspirationalphotographic work. She gladly agreed to work with RheeYoung Kim.The poet's poems and the photographer's pictures cometogether soflawlessly. Pictures add visual elements, accentuatingpoeticexpressions that are full of unique imagination andmetaphors.This book is a result of the bisociation that the fieldsofpoetry and photography have created together withpatience,passion, and imagination.◆ ContentThe book includes 10 poems, including the poet's debutwork"Noodles," "Dance that Doesn't Lean on Clouds" (from a2011compilation), and "A Women in the Sand" (a poem inspired byAbeKobo's novel). Her script of "A Woman in the Sand" was used foraperformance and exhibited at the Korea National Archives oftheArts in June, 2012.The book also includes excerpts from "A Cat at the EiffelTower"(inspired by Erik Satie's autobiographic fiction) and "BlowUp."Her script of "Blow Up" was made into a play that was invitedtothe 2013 Hong Kong International Theater . In addition,excerptsfrom "58, Born in the Year of the Dog," which displaysrefinedstyles of writing, was used for a short film.Poet Rhee Young Kim's explorations of poetry are trulyamazing,showing how poetic language can be used in variousgenres.◆ LITE versionLite edition contains 7 poems from original edition.
Fluffy Mazes APK
Voazoa Inc.
Thank you for visiting VOAZOA. Our app isdesigned to provide children with special experiences.- “My Friend Fluffy Maze” is a functional maze game designed todevelop children’s creativity. It consists of popular scenes fromthe storybook.- Find a cute sheep, a yellow sweater, a baker, and a motherknitting a sweater, and go on an adventure into the maze.- Look for various characters hiding in different parts of themaze!Advanced Maze Game for Children- As the game progresses, the level of difficulty increases. Byplaying this maze game, children will improve their concentration,memory, and critical thinking skills.Special Fun- At the final destination, a fun video and story about ‘My FriendFluffy’ will be available. Exclusive with the maze game.
Fluffy Puzzles APK
Voazoa Inc.
Play a Puzzle Game and Enjoy a FunStory!This is an educational puzzle game that consists of cutecharactersand popular scenes from the functional game app, "MyFriendFluffy."** The initial installation may take up to a minute, dependingonyour device. Thank you! **Welcome to Voazoa, a functional game app company.Our apps are created based on extensive research toenhancechildren's creativity and concentration.Readers will gain unique learning experience.Play a puzzle game and enjoy a fun story with images~!
Voazoa Inc.
For twenty-two years she worked as apublichealth nurse with cancer patients and caregivers. She foundherselfsaying the same things over and over, passing along verybasicinformation that can make an enormous difference ineffectivelydealing with cancer pain.These are simple things that many people should knowbutdon’'t.She has never found a book that she could recommend to herpatientsthat would be helpful in managing their pain.By using diagrams and illustrations, she taught her patientsthedynamics of pain and the importance of taking theirmedicationsaround the clock and of keeping accurate records.When followed faithfully, the simple suggestions and guidelinesinthis book are very effective in managing serious and intensepain.Barbara Anderson, R.N. is a graduate of St. Vincent’sHospitalSchool of Nursing, in New York City and a Board CertifiedHospiceand Palliative Care nurse. For twenty-two years she providedlovingcare for cancer patients at Cabrini Hospice, NY. She is anativeNew Yorker from Brooklyn who loves music, drawing andcollectingmasks from all over the world. This is her firstbook.If you discover any bugs or problems, please email usatcontact@voazoa.com.
[앱북] 김리영 영상시집 (사진 김지현) LITE APK
Voazoa Inc.
◆ 특징2014 Book Expo America (BEA) 뉴욕 전자책 전시회 출품 전시오디오, 비디오를 탑재멀티 미디어시대에 시를 가장 잘 감상할 수 있는 방법, 모바일 공감!독자는 감명 깊게 흐르는 음악과 함께 시 낭송을 들으며사진작가의 감성적 풍경을 감상!깊이 일렁이며 느껴지는 감흥!반짝이는 감성, 신선한 비유, 예민한 심성, 슬픔을 숨긴 도시인의 갈등을시와 사진에서 동시에 읽어내기!우리가 만날 수 있는 문득 생각하기, 마주치고 헤어진 평범한 모습이 시의 언어 뿐 아니라 사진의이미지로연출!◆ 우뚝 선 나무로 다시 사는 거야김리영은 무용을 전공한 시인으로 알려져 있다. 미국 오레곤주에 거주하였고 서구 문명을 탐색한 그녀가 도시인의숨막히는 소통을 사진작가 김지현의 사진으로 옮겨 왔다.김리영의 텍스트와 김지현의 사진 이미지는 페쇄 된 도시에서 안간힘으로 살아내는 도시인이 주고받는 말이다. 시로써도모자라는 말을 사진에 물들이고 사진으로 찍어도 모자라는 이미지를 시로 풀었다.이 책에서 눈여겨 볼 것은 사회에서 행복의 정체성을 찾아 떠도는 ‘나’의 통증을 시와 사진이 함께 해부하듯그려내고나란히 드러내며 서술하고 있는 점이다. 상호텍스트성 시대에 독자들은 시와 사진 두 장르가 만난 결정체를 보고 읽고음악과낭송을 들으며 감동이 고조될 것이다.◆ 구성 책 안내보아조아 출판사는 이 책을 펴내기 위해 먼저 김리영의 첫 시집 에서 열편의 시를 골랐다. 김리영의 초기 시에서읽었던생기 있는 감성과 감각적인 비유를 음향과 영상으로 깊이 있게 접근성을 높이고 대중이 공감할 수 있도록했다.김지현은 감성사진작가로 불린다. 시의 세계와 사진의 세계가 흔쾌하게 손을 맞잡았다. 김리영의 시를사진공간에설정하자, 김지현의 사진예술이 자연스럽게 문학공간에 설치되었다. 사진은 시의 현대적 언어조형감각을 돋보이게 하고시의바닥에서 퍼 올린 감성과 비유로 넘쳐난다.이 책은 시와 사진 두 세계의 만남이 서두르지 않고 이연연상 발상법으로 집중하여 열정과 영감을 통해얻어낸결과이다.◆ 내용시인의 등단작 외 10 편, 귀국 이후 2011년 엮은 무용사진시집 을 비롯하여, 아베 코보 원작 소설을 바탕으로쓴현대무용 주제시가 포함 되어 있다. 이 대본은 2012년 공연 후 6월 국립예술자료원에서 전시회를 가졌다.에릭 사티의 자전적 소설을 바탕으로 쓴 대본와 최근 대본을 쓰고 출연 하였던 2013 홍콩국제연극제 초청작중에서발췌하였다. 그리고 창작 시나리오 단편 영화 <58 개띠>중에서 발췌하여 다듬은 문장들을 만날수있다.김리영의 시세계가 넓혀져 언어를 도구로 하는 다른 장르인-대본 등을 통해 독자들에게 손을 내밀었다.◆ LITE 버전LITE버전으로 7편의 시를 무료로 볼 수 있다.----개발자 연락처 :807. 160, Seoun-roSeocho-gu Seoul 137-856 KR+82 10-5340-7833◆ Features2014 Book Expo America (BEA) in New York e-bookexhibitionexhibitionAudio, with the videoHow the multi-media era when the best that you can watch,mobileempathy!The reader is listening to music, reciting poetrywithimpressively flowingWatching the emotional landscape of the photographer!Deeply felt inspiration and lashed!Shiny sensibility, fresh metaphor, keen mentality, a cityhiddenconflict of sorrowPhotos from the reading at the same time and when!Suddenly we think can meet, face to produce an image ofthephoto, as well as hit upon the ex plain language look!◆'ll live again with towering trees line Gimli Spirit Dance is known as a major poet. Were livinginthe US state of Oregon has moved to pictures of Kim, Ji - Hyunaphotographer who she is breathtaking communication navigatecityWestern civilization. Text and photos of Kim, Ji - Hyun Young Image of Gimlisaysthat the city live in the city scrambles to and obstruction. Iusethe word poetry wanting to photograph the school paper dyedwithphoto images Shiro pool was insufficient. It is an eye to see in this book is that in thispicture,and when the pain 'or' wandering to find the identity ofthe happyside-by-side, revealing dissection as described and drawnouttogether in society. On intertextuality time readers willbeheightened this impression while listening to music, readingandreciting the crystal report with pictures when I met thetwogenres.◆ Configuration Guide Book BoA Joao publishers picked when the lobes at firstbookof the first order pyeonaegi Gimli spirit of this book. Makealively emotion and sensual metaphor poem read at the beginningofGimli spirit with sound and visual depth to improvetheaccessibility was so public can relate to. Kim, Ji - Hyun is referred to as emotionalphotographer.World with the world of picture when I got shot in thehandheunkwae. Let's set the city's spirit in Gimli photo space,photoart of Kim, Ji - Hyun has been installed in the literaryspacenaturally. Photographs complement the modern sense of the cityandwas flooded with modeling languages ​​raised emotion andmetaphorin the poem spread the floor. This book is the result of intensive associationwithdeferred balsangbeop no hurry this meeting two of the worldthroughpictures and poetry disciplined passion and inspiration.◆ Contents  deungdanjak poets and 10 pieces, including Photospoetrysince 2011 hooked dance return, Abe Kobo Originalcontemporarydance based on a novel written by includes the Citytheme. Thescript had an exhibition at the National Art Archive June2012after performances. Based on the autobiographical novel written by ErikSatiescript and who recently wrote the screenplay starring HongKongInternational Theatre Festival 2013 Invitation was excerptedfrom.And creative scenarios, the short film <58 Dog> excerptsfromthe sentence can meet topiary.Gimli widened where grain price in the spirit of the languageasa tool of different genres - reached out to readers throughsuchscenario.◆ LITE versionLITE version 7 can be seen as a free city convenience.